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Brent Cross Town’s Energy Centre Q&A

March 18, 2025

Join us for a presentation and Q&A session on Brent Cross Town’s Main Energy Centre and heat network, which is set to be one of the largest in the UK to provide low carbon heat to the new neighbourhood.

This session is hosted by Brent Cross Town and Vattenfall, who are one of Europe’s largest generators of electricity and heat and are designing and operating the heat network and Main Energy Centre. You’ll learn all about the future Centre and how it will heat homes and businesses within the new neighbourhood, whilst using low carbon heat to help support the town’s net zero carbon ambitions.

A drawing illustration of an energy centre

The session forms a part of our monthly resident drop-ins, which takes place next on Thursday 20 March from 5.30pm to 6.30pm at the Visitor Pavilion, 145 Claremont Road NW2 1FE. Please note that the presentation will start at 5.45pm, followed by the Q&A session. This will also be your opportunity to speak to experts at Vattenfall and share any thoughts you may have.

If you are unable to attend this session, please visit Vattenfall’s webpage dedicated to the heat network and the Main Energy Centre, here. If you have any questions about this session, please email community@brentcrosstown.co.uk

Find out more about sustainability across the Brent Cross Cricklewood programme on this page.